lunedì 9 gennaio 2012

11 settembre 2001: quando la finzione anticipa la realtà - il celebre episodio di Lone Gunmen (4 marzo 2011 - sottotitolato in italiano)

L'attacco terroristico dell'11 settembre fu illustrato oltre 6 mesi prima che avvenisse nell'episodio pilota della serie Lone Gunmen, uno spin-off (serie figlia) di X-Files. Nell’episodio trasmesso il 4 MARZO del 2001 la trama si sviluppa attorno alla scoperta e al tentativo di sabotaggio di un piano congegnato da una fazione all’interno del governo americano e che prevede l’esecuzione di un auto-attentato (false flag) per giustificare una guerra e rilanciare i proventi derivati dall’indotto dell’industria bellica. Un aereo di linea radiocomandato andrà a sbattere contro il World Trade Center.

BYERS (to his father): 'We know it's a wargame scenario, that it has to do with airline counter-terrorism. Why is it important enough to kill for?'
MR. BYERS: 'Because it is no longer a game.'
BYERS: 'If some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario, why target you for assassination?'
MR. BYERS: 'Depends on who your terrorists are.'
BYERS: '...The men who conceived of it in the first place. You're saying OUR GOVERNMENT PLANS TO COMMIT A TERRORIST ACT AGAINST A DOMESTIC AIRLINE...'
MR. BYERS: 'There you go...indicting the entire government as usual. It's a faction, a small faction.'
BYERS: 'For what possible gain?'
MR. BYERS: 'The Cold War is over, John. But with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arm's market's flat. But, bring down a fully-loaded 727 into the middle of New York City and you'll find a dozen tin-pot dictators all over the world just clammering to take responsibility and begging to be smart-bombed.'
BYERS: 'I can't believe it. This is about increasing arms sales?.
BYERS: 'You absolutely sure that this is the targeted flight?'
MR. BYERS: 'This flight was chosen primarily for its visibility. It's scheduled to pass over Manhattan on its way to Boston.'
BYERS: 'You said they intend to bring this down in the middle of New York City. What if there isn't a bomb?'
MR. BYERS: 'Then, how are they going to bring it down?'
BYERS: 'The same way a dead man can drive a car.'
LANGLY: 'Remote access.  Somebody on the ground is flying your plane...Your flight is going to make an unscheduled stop.'
FROHIKE: 'Corner of Liberty and Washington. Lower Manhattan.'
BYERS: 'World Trade Center. They're going to crash the plane into the World Trade Center!'

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